New Mexico

Elk Landowner Tags

How the Elk Tag System Works in New Mexico

There are three different ways to hunt elk in New Mexico. First, you can draw a license in the annual big game draw. Next, you could purchase a private “Ranch Only” elk landowner tag that allows you to hunt that private land only. Or third, you could buy  the most popular “Unit-Wide” elk landowner tag that allows you to hunt all of the public land in that unit, the issuing landowner’s private land as well as any other private lands enrolled in the unit-wide system within that hunt unit.

The Department of NM Game & Fish issues elk authorizations to eligible landowners in the through the EPLUS program. These authorizations can then be bartered/traded or sold to buy an elk license. The purchase of a landowner tag is also subject to New Mexico sales tax.

In addition to buying an Elk Landowner Tag, NM requires license fees and stamps as well

In addition to your tag, you will still need to purchase an Elk License, a NM small game license (Res-$15, NonRes-$65), and pay the mandatory HMAV fee ($4) as well as a habitat fee ($10) if hunting National Forest or BLM lands. 

Elk License Costs
Bull Elk: Res $99, Non-Res $557(S) or $782(HD)
Cow Elk: Res $69, Non-Res $347

How much does New Mexico elk landowner tag cost?

Prices for elk landowner tags can vary greatly. In large part, it’s a supply and demand issue. The more that people are competing for tags to hunt in New Mexico, the higher it drives the price. There has been a large jump in tag costs in the last couple of years. Though cow tags can go for much much less, landowner tags for bull elk can currently range anywhere from about $3,000 to $7,000 and even up around $15,000, dependent on the unit quality, availability and demand.

2025 NM Unit Wide, GMU 53 Elk Tags

Unit 53 Archery, Mature Bull & Either Sex Hunts. These Tags are UNIT WIDE and allow the tag holder to hunt ALL PUBLIC and E-Plus properties in Unit 53. We do not have tags for any other unit.

Unit 53 borders and runs from the Valle Vidal unit east of Red river all the way west to the Rio Grande Gorge and the Taos area. This is a vast unit of approximately 200,000 acres of public land with lots of elk and quality bulls. Purchase is for tag only. No outfitting services are included. We can recommend areas, however we will recommend the same areas to all whom ask.

SEPTEMBER ARCHERY HUNTS – Either Sex Tags Left: 4 of 9
Unit Wide Archery tags from a ranch in Unit 53. Price $4300 plus sales tax (Multiple tag discounts).
September 1st -14th     ELK-2-385 (S)   This is an Either Sex Archery hunt for Unit 53.
September 15th -24th     ELK-2-386 (HD)   This is an Either Sex Archery hunt for Unit 53.

OCTOBER HUNTS – Mature Bull (Any Legal Weapon) or Either Sex (Muzzleloader/Bow/Crossbow) 
Our October Tags allow the purchaser to select from one of the three different dates below and two types of hunts. Price $3800 plus sales tax (Multiple tag discounts).
October 11th – 15th     ELK-3-387 (HD)  This is an Either Sex (Bull/Cow elk) hunt and the hunter can use a Muzzleloader, bow or crossbow.
October 18th – 22nd     ELK-1-388 (S)  This is a Mature Bull only hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.
October 25th – 29th    ELK-1-389 (S)  This is a Mature Bull only hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.

NOVEMBER HUNTS – Antlerless (Any Legal Weapon)  
These Tags allow the purchaser to select from three different hunt dates. Price $850 plus sales tax (Multiple tag discounts)
November 15th – 19th     ELK-1-390 (S)  This is an Antlerless Elk hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.
November 22nd – 26th     ELK-1-391 (S)  This is an Antlerless Elk hunt and the hunter can use any legal weapon.

If Interested, complete the form below for more info or to purchase:

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