2024 ElkBros Best Days Season Planner
RED OUTLINE - What we consider to be "overall" best hunt days for the largest group of people. These are not according to any hunt dates. Just what we would hunt if given the choice.
RED MOON - Equinox
PURPLE MOONS - Our top 3 day weekend choice
BLUE ARROWS - Our top 5 day choice. It was a toss up, between these two weeks. If we were forced to choose, the first 5 days would get the nod, only because we feel more big bulls are still waiting in the wings and bulls are in search of cows. A prime situation.
BRIGHT GREEN MOONS - This is an example of the approximate date that a cow elk would come in estrus for a second or third cycle if she had cycled in that 7 days prior and was not bred. There is approximately 20-21 days between cycles.
Also, keep in mind that different age groups of cows come into estrus at different times. Older cows can come in early with younger cows coming in later. Anywhere around a 14 day period from each other. There will even be some cows that come into estrus around the 1st of September with the bulk seven days before or after the equinox.
For the majority out there: Everyone that listens to us knows that we like the early part of September. And if you ask some of our crew, they would still dodge the Labor day Weekend crowd to have a chance at bulls when they are the least educated from the 1st to the 7th. But That first week will be the heaviest hit from both tourists and hunters with most heading back home for another year by Sunday the 8th. There will definitely be ruts that happen right out of the gate on September 1st or 2nd, but then things often go quiet until about the 7th to the 10th.
There will also be the "Dreaming of the Screaming" crowd that will hit the last seven days of the archery season, 24th-30th, with dreams of chasing bugling bulls. And there is no doubt that bulls will be "cowed up" and bugling, so it's a difficult argument to go against. But we would still like a shot at bulls still in search and gathering cows and just getting those juices flowing.
With that said, we really could go either way with the 8th to the 23rd looking prime. We think there are still more bulls looking for cows during that week of the 8th-13th, but you won't go wrong either way. Plus, if you hunt either of the two weeks, in the middle of the week, it will often limit the numbers of hunters in the field as well. Some folks would question our choice because of the moon, however the 8-13th is coming out of a dark moon and the elk will have a transition time before going into full moon phase. And when it comes to the full moon, we actually love to hunt that period as well. With the full moon happening just prior to the equinox, it should be blowing up this year. Great time to locate at night and be on elk at first light. Also a great time for mid-day madness with elk spending long days in bedding areas.
1st to 3rd year beginner with limited skill set: Your toughest issue will be creating opportunities or locating the elk. The very reason you should use the last days of the season so the elk can help you find them. There should be ruts occurring with bugling bulls helping you out to locate them and morning and evening action should be solid with the new moon phase occurring.
3rd to 5 year with average skills and and some harvests: Top 7 days for this group would be anytime between the 8th to the end of the season in your state. And if you look at the 2nd & 3rd estrus possibilities, October could be lit! These dates eliminate the Labor Day crowd along with the first wave of hunters and the bulls are in transition mode and feeling the testosterone. I love this phase of the rut. It's still early enough to to where not all the "real" herd bulls are not quite "cowed up" yet, but they are definitely screaming and working it. Great time to get a huge satellite too!
5th to 10 year plus experience with solid skills and and multiple harvests: This group has the skill sets and strategies already set for your favorite part of September. And there will be plenty of different reasons and goals that will determine your days.
But for those after any bull, those two days of Labor Day weekend (if you are willing to put up with the circus) could be two of the best days. There has been NO hunting pressure. The young guys are still dumb and bulls are super susceptible at this time and could come in silent or screaming their heads off.
Weekend Warriors: For our resident hunters that can only hunt a weekend or maybe two during the season, we recommend Labor day weekend simply for the days available to hunt bulls that are still very susceptible, and then we really like the weekend of the 13th-15th the most. If you are not going to have time to have to find critters, go as late as possible to get some help from the rut and screaming bugles. The later the better.
For the firearm hunter, moon phase is definitely a consideration just due to the nature of the weapon. A dark moon means that the elk will be out in open areas longer in the mornings and and come out into them earlier in the evenings. Parks, burn areas, small meadows, short oak brush ridges are all the types of terrain conducive to firearms and the main focus.
But what if you get drawn for a hunt during the full moon? In that case we highly learn a lesson from the Archery hunters and use the moon in two different ways. First, if the elk are still bugling, for locating and gettin in place right at legal shooting light before they hit the trees. For later times when they are not bugling, the moon really helps to get out early and glass open areas. The walking is safer and today's optics can find animals in open areas with the help of a bright moon. Again to get in position for a shot right at legal shooting time.
OCTOBER -The earlier you hunt elk in October, the better. October 1st through the 9th is coming out of a dark moon and early October means screaming bulls! Trust me... they are going nuts! If you have an opportunity to hunt this phase, you won't be disappointed! If you look at the possible 2nd & 3rd estrus cycles, October could be blowing up and an incredible month of bugles and action. Even with the big fellas moving off from the herds generally, they will still be in the wings waiting to breed when a hot cow comes in.
NOVEMBER - Usually we would tell you that the later in November the better, as bulls begin to bachelor up and are definitely trying to put the weight back on from the rut. However, with the new moon falling on the first of November, this will be one of the best weeks to catch bulls as they will be out later in the mornings and coming out earlier in the evenings.
December - With days shortening and winter happening, December is one of the best times to harvest a big bull if your state has a December bull hunt. They have food on the brain and will be more exposed, later in the morning and earlier in the evening, and easier to spot in bachelor groups.

RED OUTLINE - Archery Elk Season, Sept. 2nd thru the 30th.
GREEN BLOCK - Muzzleloader Season. Yep, right in the middle of Archery, and this year... the muzzle loaders have everything in their favor! WARNING: If you hunt archery during this time, take extra precautions!
RED MOON - Equinox
GREEN OUTLINE - First rifle
BLUE OUTLINE - Second rifle
PURPLE OUTLINE - Third rifle
YELLOW OUTLINE - Fourth rifle
GREEN MOONS - This is an example of the approximate date that a cow elk would come in estrus for a second or third cycle if she had cycled in that 7 days prior and was not bred. There is approximately 20-21 days between cycles.
Also, keep in mind that different age groups of cows come into estrus at different times. Older cows can come in early with younger cows coming in later. Anywhere around a 14 day period from each other. There will even be some cows that come into estrus around the 1st of September with the bulk seven days before or after the equinox.
For the majority out there: Everyone that listen's to us knows that we like the early part of September and this year we feel the archers are set up for a great hunt prior to the muzzy season! We would wait for the Labor day weekend and that weeks first wave of hunters to clear out and focus on the 7th to the 13th. There is generally a rut happening on the 1st & 2nd, but things will "generally" go kinda quiet until around the 7th. It is still coming out of the new moon phase, so it's set up to be a quality week.
1st to 3rd year beginner with limited skill set: Your toughest issue will be creating opportunities or locating the elk. The very reason you should use the last days of the season so the elk can help you find them. There should be ruts occurring with bugling bulls helping you out to locate them and morning and evening action should be solid with the new moon phase occurring.
All other experience levels and skill sets:
For those having the opportunity and willing to dodge the ATV's and take in all the festivities around you, the first two days before Labor Day weekend are a hot time to get an opportunity on "uneducated" bulls and possibly hit an early estrus cycle. There always seems to be some bugling activity from the 1st to the 4th before it goes silent. The last week of the season is always a great one in Colorado, but be ready for bulls to be "cowed up" and bring our "A" game!
Weekend Warriors:
For our resident hunters that can only hunt a weekend or maybe two during the season, the moon phase and the muzzleloader season make this an easy decision. Labor day weekend if that's the only time you can get off. The best weekend we feel is the weekend of the 21st because the rut will be in full sing and you can locate screaming bulls in the moonlight and be on them at daybreak or follow them to bed for great mid-day action. Yes, it's the last days of the muzzy season, but a lot of them would have called it quits, and if you hunt them at mid-day, most other hunters are in camp taking naps, lol. Also, the last weekend of the 28th should have plenty of screaming bulls. With only two to three days, you are not going to have time to waste looking for elk, so go as late as possible to get some help from the rut and screaming bugles. That's why, if you have to choose, we recommend the weekends of the 21st & 23rd over Labor Day Weekend.
For the firearm hunter, moon phase is definitely a consideration just due to the nature of the weapon. A dark moon means that the elk will be out in open areas longer in the mornings and and come out into them earlier in the evenings. Parks, burn areas, small meadows, short oak brush ridges are all the types of terrain conducive to firearms and the main focus.
But what if you get drawn for a hunt during the full moon? In that case we highly learn a lesson from the Archery hunters and use the moon in two different ways. First, if the elk are still bugling, for locating and gettin in place right at legal shooting light before they hit the trees. For later times when they are not bugling, the moon really helps to get out early and glass open areas. The walking is safer and today's optics can find animals in open areas with the help of a bright moon. Again to get in position for a shot right at legal shooting time.
OCTOBER: Unfortunately, the prime time rut from the 1st to the 8th is not an option on Colorado public land.
That doesn't mean the rut action stops. You can absolutely still have bulls bugling from the 12th to the 16th. In fact, if we had to apply or choose an OTC firearms hunt, it would be this one first choice. During that first rifle, you have satellite bulls that move in and go through the motions and throughout October, a cow coming into estrus could light up a rut. The key here will be to locate bulls that are active and screaming in the moonlight and get into position to make a move and shot at first light. And don't forget your calls. It's still a prime calling opportunity!
NOVEMBER - Usually we would tell you that the later in November the better, as bulls begin to bachelor up and are definitely trying to put the weight back on from the rut. However, with the new moon falling on the first of November, this will be one of the best weeks to catch bulls as they will be out later in the mornings and coming out earlier in the evenings.

NOTE: New Mexico has multiple hunt configurations; weapons, hunt days and different months that can vary from hunt unit to hunt unit. So it is very important to check and verify the seasons, weapons and number of days for each hunt in the NM Game & Fish Proclamation.
YELLOW OUTLINE - Archery Public Land Elk First Season.
RED OUTLINE - Archery Public Land Elk Second.
In New Mexico it is generally split up into two hunts, a 14 day hunt from the 1st to the 14th and a second 10 day hunt from the 15th to the 24th.
RED MOON - Equinox
GREEN OUTLINE - First firearms hunt. Most likely designated as Muzzleloader, Crossbow or Archery. But may be designated as Rifle in some units. Again, read your proclamation.
PURPLE OUTLINE - Second firearms hunt. Could be designated as Muzzleloader or Any Legal Weapon. (Rifle, Muzzleloader, Archery)
BLUE OUTLINE - THIRD firearms hunt. Could be designated as Muzzleloader or Any Legal Weapon. (Rifle, Muzzleloader, Archery)
GREEN MOONS - This is an example of the approximate date that a cow elk would come in estrus for a second or third cycle if she had cycled in that 7 days prior and was not bred. There is approximately 21 days between cycles.
Also, keep in mind that different age groups of cows come into estrus at different times. Older cows can come in early with younger cows coming in later. Anywhere around a 14 day period from each other. There will even be some cows that come into estrus around the 1st of September with the bulk seven days before or after the equinox.
** There may be additional elk hunts in October, November thru December, but they are too varied in unit, dates & weapon to list here.
For the majority out there: Everyone that listens to us knows that we like the early part of September. And if you ask some of our crew, they would still dodge the Labor day Weekend crowd to have a chance at bulls when they are the least educated from the 1st to the 7th. But That first week will be the heaviest hit from both tourists and hunters with most heading back home for another year by Sunday the 8th. There will definitely be ruts that happen right out of the gate on September 1st or 2nd, but then things often go quiet until about the 7th to the 10th. So our favorite days would be from the 7th to the 14th. Plus the middle of the week hunts really help to limit the competition.
There will also be the "Dreaming of the Screaming" crowd that will hit the last five, seven or all ten days of the second archery season with dreams of chasing bugling bulls. And there is no doubt that bulls will be "cowed up" and bugling, so it's a difficult argument to go against. But we would still like a shot at bulls still in search and gathering cows and just getting those juices flowing.
Some folks would question our choice because of the moon, however the 7th-13th is coming out of a dark moon and the elk will have a transition time before going into full moon phase. Also, when it comes to the full moon on the second archery hunt, we actually love to hunt that period as well. With the full moon happening just prior to the equinox, it should be blowing up this year. Great time to locate at night and be on elk at first light. Also a great time for mid-day madness with elk spending long days in bedding areas.
1st to 3rd year beginner with limited skill set: Your toughest issue will be creating opportunities or locating the elk. The very reason you should use the last days of the 2nd season so the elk can help you find them.
3rd to 5 year with average skills and and some harvests: Top 7 days for this group, in having to choose between first or second hunt, we would go either the 7th-14th or the 18th to the 24th as hunt days. These dates eliminate the Labor Day crowd and put you in the middle of the rut. With locating elk being half of the battle, you should be hearing lots of bugles as bulls are now vying for their harems.
5th to 10 year plus experience with solid skills and and multiple harvests: This group has the skill sets and strategies already set for your favorite part of September. And there will be plenty of different reasons and goals that will determine your days.
Because we are after any bull, we still absolutely prefer the early rut and rut transition phase and will be hunting the 7th to the 13th (Chav still wants to hunt the Labor Day Weekend when bulls are the dumbest!). Bulls are super susceptible at this time and could come in silent or screaming their heads off.
Weekend Warriors: For our resident hunters that can only hunt a weekend or maybe two during the season, your weekends are what they are and pretty much are the only choices.
For the first hunt, if you can hunt both weekends, then no problem. But if you have to choose, we would select the weekend of the 7th. Mainly because it eliminates some of the crowd and you will have bulls in that transition mode and beginning to sound off.
For the second season, you have two weekend opportunities, but if we had to choose, it would be the 13th to 15th. Bulls should be cranking and still working to gather cows.
For the firearm hunter, moon phase is definitely a consideration just due to the nature of the weapon. A dark moon means that the elk will be out in open areas longer in the mornings and and come out into them earlier in the evenings. Parks, burn areas, small meadows, short oak brush ridges are all the types of terrain conducive to firearms and the main focus.
But what if you get drawn for a hunt heading to a full moon? In that case we learn a lesson from the Archery hunters and use the moon in two different ways. First, if the elk are still bugling, for locating and gettin in place right at legal shooting light before they hit the trees. For later times when they are not bugling, the moon really helps to get out early and glass open areas. The walking is safer and today's optics can find animals in open areas with the help of a bright moon. Again to get in position for a shot right at legal shooting time.
Fortunately, for those that are able to draw, the first week of October is prime time rut wise. ABSOLUTELY the best time to hunt in October! The rutting action during this time is generally out of this world with the large mature bulls splitting off and heading into recovery mode around the 8th through the 11th.
That doesn't mean the rut action stops. For those that draw that hunt (probably a muzzle loader hunt but not always) from the 5th to the 9th, It is the best of what is generally offered statewide. There will still be a few big bulls possibly hanging around and there is still plenty of bugling action to help you locate bulls.
After that hunt, you have satellite bulls that have moved in and are going through the motions throughout October. But with two estrus cycles lining up in October, cows coming into estrus could light up a rut and every hunt could have bulls bugling.
Once bulls recover from the rut, they bachelor up and go into feed mode to put some fat on to survive the winter. They need to eat, eat, EAT. They are bachelored up in groups of 3 to 10 or more and are easier to spot in the mornings and evenings. Check the proclamation for any late season hunts. From what we have seen if there are any late season hunts offered, they are most likely for residents or youth hunters and will again vary from from Unit to Unit.