Prepared Confident Aggressive Successfully

The foundation of our training, our BaseCamp Online Course, gives the beginning and even experienced hunters ALL that they need to be ready and successful once the course is completed. It is the total package and covers all aspects needed to get you in the woods this fall. The design and success based coaching strategies used in this course will be unlike any online course you have ever experienced. Coach Joe Giglia combines his life passions of coaching and elk hunting to give you the ultimate way to flatten that elk hunting learning curve. What would you do to gain 40 years of elk hunting experience? Look no further!
Our Training Camp is built to help any elk hunter at any level develop their skill set and take their game to the next level. By providing different learning styles, our Camp allows you to learn and improve upon your current knowledge and skill set without either overwhelming or underwhelming. Our BaseCamp Training Camp will benefit those first time elk hunters as well as those 15 year veterans.
Your best investment for success on your upcoming elk hunt is to invest in yourself as a hunter. Our Training Camps are your solution to invest in those abilities and skill sets that are going to differentiate you from the pack. This course will give you the best chance to be that 1 out of 10 hunter that punches your tag this season!
Your purchase of our Academy BaseCamp Training Camp, gives you ONE FULL YEAR of access to the Camp’s Content.
With 40 years of combined Hunting, Guiding and Teaching experience, your Coach will help you flatten the learning curve.
Just hunters teaching hunters. Sharing skill sets and techniques from years of doing what they love. You will feel like one of the crew around the campfire.
Your Coach believes in giving you the tools, confidence and inspiration that drives the PASSION! He knows when that happens, SUCCESS will then take care of itself.
The most important pice of gear for success is you and your elk hunting knowledge! This course decades of success based elk hunting knowledge from Elk Hunting Coach, Joe Giglia. Coach Giglia has taken 37 elk in 40 years on public land and his coaching and teaching technique is unlike any course out there. When it comes to improving success, this friends is an elk hunting opportunity of a lifetime!
We are offering our BaseCamp Training Camp for a Promotional Price of $75. That’s 20% off your first year’s subscription.
Subscription is for 1 year and access to any new components or updates as they are added.
Give the PERFECT GIFT to someone wanting to become a MORE SUCCESSFUL ELK HUNTER! Because a one year subscription gift card to the ElkBros BaseCamp Online Training Camp insures your favorite elk hunter has that winning factor. The secret to all elk hunting successes. Which is their Elk Hunting Knowledge!
First and foremost, you are giving a beginning or even an experienced hunter ALL they need to be ready and successful. The total package. Because it covers all aspects needed for success in the woods this fall.
In other words, your best gift is to help someone investment in success as an elk hunter. Our BaseCamp Training Camp is the solution to do just that. Above all, giving them the best chance to be that 1 of 10 hunters punching a tag this season! PERFECT
" To share your camp and pass on lessons learned through the years, is the greatest way to honor those that shared their passions and those special moments in the camps of your memories." JG